Kids are speaking up for peace

There are plenty of controversies in schools these days, and plenty of censorship too.

But students want to talk about- and read about- the issues that affect them, even controversial ones.

LGBTQ issues, gun violence, dress codes, race and racism, Israel-Palestine and the war in Gaza, and more. Controversial? Yes, but the ‘Tinker’ ruling says controversy is necessary for education and democracy.  I applaud schools that involve students in figuring out how to have respectful, productive discussions about controversial issues. When we spoke up for peace in Vietnam, some people got mad and told us to leave the country. The Supreme Court disagreed, saying that we had the right to express ourselves in school, as long as we did not “substantially disrupt,” school, or “impinge” on the rights of others.  Here’s to students who speak up, even when it is controversial, and to the adults who support them. 

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