Mahanoy v BL: Student speech at Supreme Court

Mary Beth talks students’ rights with Brandi Levy and her father, along with attorney, Vic Walczak, and Andy Hoover of the Pa ACLU. Listen to the podcast here

Can students express their feelings about things-even that have to do with school- when they’re not in school?  Are there limits? How far should school officials reach into the lives of students?  It’s all up for debate at the Supreme Court in Mahanoy v B.L.    Stay tuned!

Here’s a great article by David Hudson, that includes the amicus brief that John & I submitted to the Supreme  Court, written by amazing First Amendment champions, David Corn Revere and Caesar Kalinowski IV with our input. You can see all amicus briefs here.

Here’s an great article just published in Teen Vogue by Zachariah Sippy, and you can listen to the live proceedings at the Supreme Court on C-Span April 18th here.

And, here’s an amazing podcast that features participants from every one of the four student speech cases at the Supreme Court before Mahanoy v B.L.  It’s from the University of Chicago Law School Review, with Adam Hassanein. 

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