Mighty young voices for mighty times!

Miles, Cerena and Shantron are researching the

Miles, Cerena and Shantron research students’ rights and the “Tinker” case for National History Day. They are also using their own rights today….

With all the history being made lately, it’s great to meet students who are part of it…..

Some are marching…

Sabeen and her sister chanting at the White House,

Sabeen and her sister chanting at the White House, “Love- not hate- makes America great!”

Some are standing up…..

High students rally in Washington DC to keep DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) immigration rights

High students rally in Washington DC to keep DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) immigration rights

And others are making projects for National History Day, with websites, documentaries, plays, posters, and essays about historical events, including the “Tinker” case. This spring, they will join thousands of young historians at district, state and national competitions.  This year’s theme is “Taking A Stand.” No wonder a lot of students have been doing “Tinker” interviews!

6th graders learn about the 1963

6th graders learn about the 1963 “Birmingham Childrens’ Crusade’ story

After telling the “Tinker” story, I ask students how they use their rights.

Miles (L) says he cares about “democracy” and that there should be “no wall in Mexico.”  He says he talks to his friends about those issues all the time.  Cerena said she cares about “human rights” and “free speech,” especially because her friend is Jewish.  Shantron (R) said that “black lives matter” is his issue, and that he uses his rights to explain to people what it’s all about.

Here’s to students who learn history…..and also make it!


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